by: hasell usiby
maaf sebab agak lambat untuk updated blog ini. ini kerana internet connection saya kena block (sebab tak bayar..ha3) dan kena kumpul informasi penting untuk artikel ini...
apapun, marilah kita meneruskan 'perjalanan menuju masa depan' dengan mengkaji maksud tersirat tajuk di atas. untuk mengkaji watak-watak masa depan yang besar seperti pemuda bani tamim, haris harath, mahdi dan lain-lain, kita harus mengenali dahulu apa ciri yang 'bakal' wujud di masa depan
kalau merujuk pada hadis dan pengkajian yang telah di lakukan, baik dari pihak muslim mahupun agama lain, kita akan dapati pemimpin masa depan ini seolah-olah ada kriteria yang sedikit berbeza dari manusia kini seperti contoh:
"jiwa mereka ibarat besi"
"memerangi lawan dengan sesuatu yang tak pernah di lihat oleh mana-mana kaum"
"tak pernah terkalah"
"mampu mengalih gunung jika mahu berbuat demikian"
Antara di atas, adalah antara 'qoute' dari petikan hadis. Ada orang, mengatakan bahawa petikan di atas ini seolah-olah metafora dan tidak membawa apa-apa makna. Bagi saya, saya yakin petikan di atas adalah makna 'direct translation' oleh rasul kepada kita, umat masa depan.
Kebanyakan hadis mempunyai direct translation, tidak sama seperit quran yang mempunyai ayat tersirat yang penuh makna. Baiklah, tinggalkan perihal hadis tadi, mari kita terus masuk pada tajuk.
Setelah membuat kajian dan sedikit 'pengamatan', saya dapati ada suatu teori yang menarik minat saya untuk menGkajinya. Sedikit masa lalu, saya 'hidup' dalam kalangan kumpulan bahan kajian saya ini. Biarpun dalam dunia siber, tapi saya berasa seronok kerana dapat memahami apa sebenarnya yang telah berlaku. Pada akhirnya, saya telah mendapat satu rumusan yang penting untuk di nilai.
"mereka ada bersama kita atau kita adalah sebahagian dari mereka"
Apa yang saya maksudkan itu ialah: INDIGO DAN KRISTAL
Apa itu indigo dan kristal. perihal ini saya telah terangkan pada dua artikel yang lepas. maksud indigo ini ialah, sekumpulan manusia yang di lahirkan seperti manusia biasa pada jasadnya tapi cukup berbeza pada spiritualnya. Kristal juga begitu. Indigo dan Kristal adalah dua pangkat yang berbeza.
dari wikipedia:
In the New Age movement, Indigo children are children who are believed to represent a higher state of human evolution. The term itself is a reference to the belief that such children have an indigo-colored aura.[1] Beliefs concerning the exact nature of Indigo children vary, with some believing that they have paranormal abilities such as the ability to read minds, and others that they are distinguished from non-Indigo children merely by more conventional traits such as increased empathy and creativity.
Jelas di sini, terdapat satu kriteria baru dlm evolusi kemanusian. janganlah anda berkata, saya percaya teori darwin pula. darwin mempercayai evolusi berbentuk jisim manakala saya pula yakin manusia ada evolusi dalam bentuk pemikiran dan spiritual.
Jadi di sini, saya mengatakan bahawa manusia masa depan adalah manusia yang mengalami perubahan total dalam bentuk pemikiran dan spiritual. Tapi, saya percaya tidak ramai yang mempercayai ini kerana terlalu ramai kini, berada di zon selasa yakni zon kehidupan yang mereka anggap selamat tapi sebenarnya tidak.
Indigo di katakan telah 'lahir' pada awal 1990-an. Pada zaman millenium, indigo kini hampir berubah menjadi Kristal. Apa yang membezakan kedua-duanya?
Yang membezakan keduanya adalah, pangkat pada spritual. Indigo adalah warna aura pada diri yang terletak di antara dua mata. Manakala, kristal pula terletak di ubun-ubun atau dipanggil 'crown chakra'. Sebenarnya hal ini tiada kaitan dengan pengunaa aura tapi penamaan warna2 aura ini menjelaskan kedudukan manusia-manusia ini. Indigo bersikap lebih pada keadilan dan pejuang sosial (hal ini dapat anda lihat kepada insan-insan yang mencipta nama dalam dunia keadilan dan pejuangan dunai yang lebih baik seperti mother of terrasa..mungkin?!)
Bagi Kristal pula, mereka total berbentuk spiritual dan kehidupan mereka di warnai dengan cahaya seakan menuju 'kesempurnaan'. Jika di asuh dengan betul, besar kemungkinan insan kamil lah mereka.
Apakah ciri-ciri yang terdapat pada mereka?
mengikut pengalaman saya (saya juga tergolongan dari mereka..baru tahu sebenarnya), antara ciri-ciri yang di kenal pasti ialah;-
-mereka selalu berasa kesunyian biarpun dia di kelilingi oleh ramai orang
-tidak suka duduk dalam ramai orang
-suka bersendirian
-berasakan diri ada misi di dunia
-berasakan lahir pada tahun/zaman yang silap
-berasakan ibubapa mereka bukanlah 'ibubapa sebenar' mereka
-selalu merasakan orang di belakang
-selalu melihat 'flash light' baik warna hitam, biru atau putih di sisi atau belakang mereka
-selalu kena buli
-tidak mahu membalas/memukul orang/haiwan biarpun perlu
-kebanyakkan mereka dapat merasai perasaan sekeliling mereka
-selalu mimpi di kejar baik oleh lembaga mahupun manusia tidak di kenali
-selalu bermimpi melakukan out of ordinary things seperti terbang
-selalu merasakan jatuh dari bangunan atau tempat tinggi ketidak hampir mahu lelap
-selalu merasakan mimpi mereka seakan benar-benar wujud
-kadang-kala bermimpi melihat jasad sendiri (astral projection)
-kadang-kala mendapat ability secara tidak sedar.
Memang benar, indigo mahupun kristal ini mempunyai ability yang hebat biarpun tidak sedar. janganlah tersilap dengan keramat pula kerana keramat adalah perkara yang terjadi oleh waliNYA yang tak dapat di pelajari dan di olah oleh orang lain. Ability ini adalah ability yang sudah sedia wujud pada manusia sejak dahulu tapi perlu di terokai. Bak kata orang, akal manusia hanya di terokai sebanyak 0.3% sahaja. Bayangkan akal di explore 1% dari 100%, apakah yang terjadi. Exploration ini tidak wujud dengan mekanism material sahaja, akan tetapi keadah spitritual harus juga di ambil kira.
Keadah spiritual boleh di buat melalui pembelajaran:-
-Tariqat (seperti perguruan nasqabandiyah, muhamadiyah dll)
-Sufism (melalui berfikir, mengkaji tapi haruslah dalam kumpulan kerana di khuatiri 'gila isim')
-Falsafah (belajar, berfikir dan mengkaji)
-Ibadat (zikir, membaca quran dan sebagainya)
-Ilmu dunia + ilmu spiritual
Keadah-keadah di atas adalah melalui pengamatan saya sahaja. Keadah di atas juga ada saya praktikkan dan saya telah pun mendapat hasilnya sedikit. Jika dulu, sentiasa bermimpi di kejar dan bersembunyi, tapi kini, saya mampu membalas kembali 'musuh' itu. Adakalanya, saya di 'bawa' untuk explore lebih lagi ilmu yang ada.
Jika anda ada cara lain, itu terpulanglah pada anda tapi ini cara saya setelah saya tahu saya sebahagian dari 'mereka'. Ciri-ciri yang saya nyatakan di atas itu, bukanlah 100% tepat, tapi itu hanyalah pada pengamatan saya sahaja. Kepada anda yang telah mengetahui hal ini, boleh lah berkongsi di sini untuk tatapan umum.
Antara ability yang ada indigo dan kristal ialah:-
dari wiki-
- Adhering Psychic Artifacts to Physical Objects - In his book The Seventh Sense, Lyn Buchanan[1] Another example is recent research into psychics' using their intentions to increase the health benefits of eating a piece of chocolate. [2] Probably the best comparison to this skill is the idea from religion of blessing inanimate objects. claims to have, through several hours of effort, been able to leave a sort of aura of protection around a physical object that interferes with other psychic's attempts to psychically learn about the object, even without Buchanan's continuingly or consciously attempting to maintain the protection around it.
- Automatic Writing - Similar to what one is supposed to experience using a Ouija board, this alleged ability involves spontaneously writing out information independent of one's own volition and awareness-- one's hand seems to do the drawing or writing on its own. The remote-viewing process developed by U.S.A. government remote viewers involves an automatic writing-like drawing of simple pictograms as described in Lyn Buchanan's book The Seventh Sense.
- Bilocation - being in two places at the same time
- Clairvoyance - perception outside the known human senses. This is the experience of envisioning things one cannot see (such as something located hundreds of miles away, or something inside an envelope). In modern psychic literature it is often referred to as remote viewing, which is the term a U.S. Army project that studied and employed psychic powers (Stargate Project) coined for it. In works written by various remote viewers such as Joseph McMoneagle, Lyn Buchanan, and Ingo Swann they describe being able to envision through remote viewing things such as the internal construction of far-away machinery, subatomic particles, and the composition of a distant planet's atmosphere.
- Communicating with Animals - Stories describe St. Francis of Assisi as being able to attract all sorts of wild animals that are usually shy of humans.
- Communicating with Spirits / Mediumship - The term "medium" or "mediumship" is used to refer to a few different psychic abilities, but most often it is used to refer to the alleged ability of communicating with the spirit of a person who has died. Various psychics who have also claimed to possess other psychic abilities have claimed to possess the ability of mediumship.
- Disassociated sensations (literal gut feelings) - A feeling that is not strictly a vision, but is for instance a feeling in the gut, a smell, a feeling of hot or cold, or a pain that gives a clue to information that is not physically in the experiencer's immediate environment (for example, smelling peanut butter when a friend far away is at a peanut butter factory, or feeling physical pain when a loved one experiences it).
- Disease Diagnosis - This is the alleged ability to determine what is wrong with an ailing person through psychic means. Valentine Greatrakes, a 17th-century Irishman who convinced no less a person than father-of-modern-chemistry Robert Boyle, claimed to have this ability. [3] Another example is Edgar Cayce.
- Dowsing - Dowsing is the ability to psychically locate precious objects. [4] In her book Extraordinary Knowing, Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer reported that a psychic she met was able to locate lost objects for people he had never met before very quickly and at great distance. [5]
- Dream Influencing - A lot of modern research has been done on dream influencing. This is trying to make someone experience a chosen image or other experience in their dreams.
- Faith Healing - Various exposed frauds, as well as the aforementioned Valentine Greatrakes (who was reported to have healed many illnesses within minutes) were supposed to have the ability to cure diseases through psychic ability. In her book Extraordinary Knowing about alleged psychic abilities, psychiatrist and gender researcher Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer recorded cases of individuals including physicians who claimed to have either this ability or a disease-diagnosis ability. [6]
- Metempsychosis - A spirit animating many bodies.
- Out-of-body Experience (OOB) / Astral projection - This is an ability similar to clairvoyance or precognition, but the psychic experiences it as being disembodied and able to float around, pass through objects, and look at his or her own body from a disembodied point of view. This disembodied experience is the only reported difference between an out-of body experience and other psychic methods of obtaining information such as clairvoyance, so it may not have other additional utility. Lyn Buchanan and Joseph McMoneagle have described having out-of-body experiences in their books about their careers as psychics. Many scientific studies have been done on out-of-body experiences, especially on figuring out how to initiate them, although Lyn Buchanan who otherwise has claimed quite an array of psychic abilities and experiences has claimed very limited success at out-of-body experiences. [7]
- Past Life Viewing - This is envisioning lives a person lived prior to being reincarnated into their current life. In her book Extraordinary Knowing Elizabeth Lloyd Mayer reported of a psychic who claimed to be able to see another person's past lives by looking at the person's right hand. [8] That psychic suggested that the past life might just be a metaphor for current problems in the persons' life the psychic was able to psychically diagnose. [9]
- Past Self Memory Placement or History Manipulation - The ability to travel from your current self via mental projection, to a past version of yourself and influence memory and or events with your past self. [10]
- Probability Alteration - The ability to manipulate probable outcomes to events but pulling on the very fabric of spacetime probability. A dangerous course of action due to repercussions of disjointing oneself with current reality as probability alters historical events for the world around the user, leaving the user with the only memory of events. This coupled with History Manipulation tends to be the major cause of Disjointing. Some uses of Probability Alterations include Probability Spheres that increase or decrease probability inside said sphere. [11]
- Perfect Site Integration - This is a remote viewer's experience of an absolutely realistic hallucination of being physically present at the site they are remote-viewing. [12] According to Lyn Buchanan, it is a very rare experience for a remote-viewer. [13]
- Phantasms of the Living - This is a term that comes from an old book of the same name describing the results of research into psychic phenomena. [14] The book was written by Eleanor M. Sidgwick, Edmund Gurney, Frederic W. Myers, and Frank Podmore. A phantasm of the living is envisioning a person who is not physically present or psyhcically sensing that the person may be in danger (unlike the typical phantasm or ghost of fiction and folklore). [15] Typically, and similar to precognitive or telepathic dreaming discussed below, a person has an impresion while either asleep or awake of a friend or a loved one, and the experiencer subsequently finds out that the "phantasm" was similar to an event that actually happened after or during the vision. [16]
- Precognition - perception of future events. This is envisioning an event before it happens. Perhaps the most famous example of a person who is alleged to have seen the future is Nostradamus. A lot of modern scientific research has been done on precognition. U.S. government psychics such as Joseph McMoneagle, Pat Price, Lyn Buchanan, and Ingo Swann have claimed to experience precognition. The exact properties of this claimed precognition are somewhat elusive: Buchanan described government remote-viewing efforts in precognition as aimed at determining one inevitable future that must happen, but according to Buchanan, people these predictions were reported to were typically able to change the predicted events using information contained in the prediction (typically the people the predictions were given to reported back to the government project that were in not for the information they received from the prediction, the predictions would certainly have come to pass). So although the viewers' attempts at achieving a 100% accurate vision were frustrated, they perhaps discovered a more valuable tool than visions of a completely inevitable future could be.
- Precognitive or Telepathic Dreaming - The experience of having a dream one discovers later apparently described an event that happened subsequent to or that happened simultaneous to the dream.
- Psychic Defense - In Lyn Buchanan's book The Seventh Sense he claims to have pioneered several techniques for keeping other psychics from being able to psychically obtain information about an object with their normal ease. [17]
- Psychic Dispersion - A psychic energy blast around oneself that disperses other psychic/ethereal energy which includes spiritual energy in the forms of Psychic Echoes(ghosts). [18]
- Psychokinesis - manipulation of matter, space, time or energy. This is the psychic influencing of the physical world. It takes several forms, such as levitating the psychic's own body or other objects, bending metal without using physical force, or influencing the physical properties of plants. Ingo Swann claims to have psychically raised the temperature of objects by using psychokinesis. In Lyn Buchanan's book The Seventh Sense he suggests that he subconsciously or accidentally used psychokinesis to attack a bully as a youngster and to interfere with the operation of computers during his military career. Psychic researcher Dean Radin has performed studies of whether people can psychically influence the workings of computers. Psychokinesis can also be used as a more general term to refer to all psychic phenomena (as in the Wikipedia article Psychokinesis), and then telekinesis used to refer to the more specific phenomena of affecting physical objects.
- Psychometry - Psychometry employs a physical object to psychically obtain information about the object itself, or about someone or something associated with the object, such as its owner. Joseph McMoneagle claims to have psychically obtained information about a person by touching him-- sort of a psychometry or scrying using a person as the object.
- Psychic Tracking/Searching/Netting - This ability takes many forms, to each person who makes it thier own. One such is a mental overlay net that takes the form of all physical objects that looks like a grid. Any living thing that has a psychic signature or energy will shine. The stronger the ability, the brighter the shine. With practice, this Net can cover many miles. [19]
- Remote Influencing - This is an ability to influence other people in various ways. In Lyn Buchanan's book The Seventh Sense he claims to have attained the ability to remotely influence and suggests the possibility that he put thoughts in Mikhail Gorbachev's head and made Saddam Hussein sick. [20]
- Remote viewing - gathering of information at a distance
- Retrocognition - perception of past events. Similar to precognition, retrocognition involves psychically viewing past events. Lyn Buchanan describes his alleged experiences viewing past events in his book The Seventh Sense.
- Scrying - Scrying is the experience of using a particular thing, typically a physical object unassociated with the event being psychically viewed, to summon a particular psychic ability such as precognition or remote viewing. Scrying is in some contexts referred to as augury. The term scrying is most commonly associated with reading palms, or looking into crystal balls or black mirrors (a technique supposedly employed by Nostradamus), but the ability has also been practiced by gazing upon such various instruments as scorched tortoise shells, animal bones, animal entrails, and birds in flight.
- Second sight - perception of future events
- Sixth Sense - The experience of sensing that another person is physically nearby, or is watching you (or is perhaps thinking about you), that perhaps is what we colloquially call "the feeling of being watched." [21]
- Spontaneous Alert - A person has a sense of impending danger that causes them to irrationally take a certain action that proves to save them from an otherwise unforeseen physical danger. Ex-U.S. Army psychic Lyn Buchanan claims in his book The Seventh Sense to have been so saved from an auto-accident and from a mugging. Information obtained by spontaneous alert can also be more mundane than that used to avoid danger, such as, for example, feeling that one should take one road instead of another, or pull one book off of a shelf instead of another; one should keep in mind that the main difference between a spontaneous alert and another ability like disassociated sensations or sixth sense is the specificity of the information imparted by the impression, i.e., a spontaneous alert tends to allow or even prompt one to make a decision, rather than just providing a mere vague impression.
- Telepathy & ESP - transfer of thoughts or emotions. This term describes a range of experiences, of which knowing another person's thoughts is a typical example. In his book The Seventh Sense, Lyn Buchanan claims to have been particularly good at "accessing other people," or telepathy.
- Transvection - bodily levitation or flying
Baiklah, sebelum mengakhiri artikel ini, saya ingin memberitahu sekali lagi tentang perbezaan antara Indigo dan Kristal meskipun mereka mempunyai ciri yang sama. Jika diatas, saya katakan mereka mempunyai perbezaan pada 'pangkat', sebenarnya ada satu lagi ciri khas yang ada pada mereka yakin:-
-beza 'lahir' yakni Indigo antara tahun 1990-an hingga 2000
-beza lahir kristal pula antara tahun 2000- hingga bangkit pemimpin akan datang
-Indigo lebih bersifat pejuang
-Kristal pula bersifat 'healer'
Dari semua di atas, jika di izinkan ALLAH untuk berlaku, lepas zaman kebangkitan nanti, akan lahir satu lagi evolusi manusia yakni di gelar RAINBOW atau PELANGI.
Ia adalah aura teratas di mana di capai lepas melepasi 'crown aura'. Saya tidak mahir dalam hal ini, tapi sedikit informasi ini dapat membantu saya untuk meneruskna kajian.
Jika anda semua fikirkan, kebanyakkan ciri-ciri watak masa depan bersifat 'pejuang' dan besar kemungkinan ada abilities yang di sebutkan. Hal ini belum lagi masuk dengan keramah yang harus di milik oleh wali-waliNYA. Kerana itulah, ada yang menyebut, perang zaman akhir sememangnya tak dpat di fikirkan oleh manusia kini atau sebelumnya. Jika Hadis kata, 'sesuatu yang tak pernah di lihat oleh kaummu' (jika salah, maafkan saya), bermaksud sehebat-hebat nuklear atau bom anti-matter pun pernah di lihat dan di fikirkan oleh manusia. Jadi, pada tahap bagaimanakah hebatnya dugaan masa depan.
Patutlah tentera panji hitam tak pernah terkalah. Bagaimana? wallahuaklam
Apapun, inilah sedikit informasi dari saya. DI harap anda semua mendapat ilmu darinya dan renung-renungkanlah seandainya kita atau mereka di sekeliling kita sebahagian dari Indigo atau Kristal ini kerana mereka adalah jenis manusia masa hadapan. Seandainya ia adalah anak atau adik anda, didik lah mereka ke arah sepatutnya kerana, jika baik didikannya pahlawan masa depanlah mereka jadi, seandainya tidak, maka, jadilah mereka seperti golongan yang lainnya dan jika teruk, mereka berada di kumpulan sebaliknya. Meskipun begitu, ini hanyalah tanggapan saya sahaja. Apapun ini hanya pandangan dan tidka perlu di kisahkan sangat
sehebat manapun rancangan manusia, hebat lagi rancangan ALLAH dan jikalau rahsia masa depan di bongkar, tetap juga ia kembali menjadi rahsia, kerana...yang Haq saja yang dapat membongkarnya, yakni watak-watak itu sahaja.
p/s: maafkan saya jika ada terslaah informasi. Ini hanyalah dari pengamatan saya dan di harap anda semua menegur dengan hemat. Insyallah
+ comments + 18 comments
Thanks for posting this article especially in Malay. Di harap ramai yang sudah dan akan membaca berkenaan dengan human evolution and the future mankind. This is something wonderful to think about how human brain and powerness being used in bigger capacity than what it is now...
Hv you watched the movie 'Race to the Witch Mountain'? The two kids with supernatural abilities are human of Indigo and Kristal category.
I personally belief that for us to work towards the next generation of humankind is to read a lot of Quran, and to embrace Islam to the core.
The secret of Quran is just revealed only a tiny fraction to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, i.e. to the human race. Ain't the Holy Quran is the best Miracle ever?
The secret of our full mental n spiritual capacity is still buried away and yet to be discovered.
We are after all, is the best God Creation.
The similarity above came as a surprise to me.. cause I do have about 70-80% of the above descriptions...but I wouldn't think so...
saya tetiba jadi sastera lak bila baca komen encik zul ni...encik zul ni mesti org sastera nih..ha3
dulu saya juga suka tgk pelangi tapi tak de laa sampai nak kejar pelangi..tapi, yg pasti saya lebih suka tgk bulan...
maka, setiap org ada sesuatu yg mereka suka tgk. tak di jadikan sesuatu itu sia2 sebab mesti ada kaitan dgn kita jugak.
ramai org kini cuba mencari persoalan pada "kenapa aku jadi begini", "siapa aku", "kenapa aku rasa sesuatu yang tak pasti" dan lain2...
dan akhirnya, ia akan membawa kepada penyatuan juga...ALLAH itu maha creative dan creative tu ada pada manusia. jadinya, saat explore manusia itu ada bersama2 creativity.
dek kerana itulah, org2 suka berfikir akan menjumpai pelbagai jenis perkara yang tak masuk akal.
jadi, jika saudara ada info..maka, emaillah pada hamba atau terus link pada blog ini...semoga kebangkitan masa depan akan jadi nyata dan bukannya hanya bualan mulut semata2.
future phenomenon: awaken
p = n + m x y
= n(*+*) + m (*+*) x y
wow. so there's some logic behind X MEN after all, no?
alhamdulillah, ada jugak artikel2 bermakna di dalam bahasa melayu.
bila baca artikel ni, teringat pada siri detektif indigo karya Faisal Tehrani. :)
Pada pendapat saya, indigo dan kristal telah lahir sebelum tahun2 yg anda sebutkan itu.
Saya pun sedar saya berbeza cuma baru ini mendapat penjelasan kenapa. I have 4 abilities from the above and I was born after 1950but before year 1990.
Salam Hassell,
'theres a man, they called him mad,
the more he give, the more he will get'-Anonymous
p.s- kalau kau rasa buku cerita yang kita baca kita bicara-bicara bawah pokok ara ada api membara, kau simpan buku cerita dalam beg sekolah baik-baik, nanti pengawas rampas,
AsSalamualaikum Tuan,
Terima kaseh berkongsi pandangan, seronok gok membaca sesuatu yang kurang diperkatakan hari ini.
"Sufism", "Pemuda Bani Tamim","Imam Mahadi" & "Muhammadiah" Interesting !! Selanjutnya Tuan akan Mengupas "Yakjuj & Makjuj" dan " AhlulBait".
Mukadimah & kupasan Tuan hebat, sesuai dengan era millienium kedua walaupun ISI nya sama macam 1400 tahun lalu.
Pandangan saya, perkukuhkan Sya'riat - walaupun berbentuk "kulit"
tapi ianya maha penting dalam misi mempertahankan ISI (Haqikat & Ma'rifah).
Selalu-selaulah "Calibrate"
dan jumpa-jumpalah tukang-tukang yang Jauhari.
Sekali lagi, bebanyak terima kaseh kerna berkongsi, AsSalamualikum wbt
terima kasih pada kalian kerana dtg ke blog hamba yg tak seberapa ni.
pada tuan megat...
insyallah saya akan kukuhkan syariat sebab, setinggi mana pun kita 'naik' akhirnya akan turun ke syariat juga..tapi syariat yang lebih pemahaman dan jiwa yang telah pulih dari penyakit 'wahn' yakni cinta dunia dan takut mati..insyallah
AsSalamualaikum Tuan FB & Kengkawan Semua,
Tuan FB telah pun "BerTariqat" kerna kenal Racun Perosak Sya'riat. Perkemas akan ia, Cahaya Yg cukup TERANG berada dihadapan Jalan anda
Insha'Allah !!
"Amal Ma'ruf WaNahi Munkar"
"Hablum Minallah WaHablum MinaNas, WaHablum FilAlamin" menjadi konsep atau Basic System dalam perjalanan.
Berhati2 Didlm Menuju ka Cahaya - banyak sekali Lorong2 sepanjang jalan yg menghasilkan kerdipan, JANGAN Tuan masuk kasitu. Kalau TerSirna, Kekal Tuan dgn nya - Hilang Tujuan & Hilang Matalamat.
Apa yg diperkatakan oleh Lyn Buchanan - Itu adalah salah satu Kerdipan sementara, Kita mencari Yang KEKAL. Bersama kita memohon Redha NYA.
Terima kaseh bebanyak Tuan FB & Kengkawan, AsSalamualaikum wbt
-kadang-kala bermimpi melihat jasad sendiri (astral projection)
meraga sukma
Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh kepada tuan Megat Kuncuro Alisastro.. salam hormat kembali kepada tuan,
wahai tuan yang baik budiman, inilah sekelumit pengetahuan kepada penyampaian:
(penyampaian yang bermaksudkan kepada rangkap yang ke-3 dan yang ke-4)
Hai muda arif-budiman,
hasilkan kemudi dengan pedoman,
alat perahumu jua kerjakan,
itulah jalan membetuli insan.
Perteguh jua alat perahumu,
hasilkan bekal air dan kayu,
dayung pengayuh taruh di situ,
supaya laju perahumu itu
begitulah sekelumit kupasan daripada 'Syair Perahu',-Hamzah Fansuri
askm ,haa aku tak pandai nak berkate2
tapi jika info kau nie betul,
bnde nie buat aku bertmbah bermasalh.
pndek cite,ape yg kau ckp diatas pasal ciri2 indigo, mostly ade kat aku.haa memang benar aku suke tgk alam2,penah sekaliem bnyk kali la jgk tgk kalimat ALLAH kat alam ape pendapat kau tentang 'aku' nie?
bende yg menjadi masalahnye sekarang, dgn rase malunye aku nk bgtau aku nie tak baik,nakal,bnyk buat dosa la jgk tp *aku tak pena biadap dgn makbpk aku confius yg aku nie sape?kenape aku bnyk nmpk bnde bkn2 sedangkn aku solat pun teramat jarang nk buat(penuh kesal).pernah sekali aku baring sisi,pandang kat num plate kerete yg berabuk,secare spontan aku terbyg kalimah ALLAH (sebab sebelum tue tga pandang ke langit saje tgk lame2 tak tau ape au fikir) then serte merta kalimah ALLah muncul kat plate tu(mcm lukis pkai jari kat plate yg berabuk tu then ade kesan)yg bestnye kalimat tuh berkeaadan sisi (mcm yg aku tga baring tu !!!!)?? so...ape pendapat kau?
insan keliru
kau boleh jgk replay kat email aku nie aku lahir 1991 !)
Salam 'alaik sdr.
Saya juga punyai sebahagian ciri2 Indigo dan Kristal tersebut dan saya lahir ditahun 60an. Malah, ciri2 diatas terdapat juga pada anak2 saya yg lahir pada thn2 90an dan 2000. Saya percaya kualiti2 yg sdr sebutkan itu ada kaitan dgn darah keturunan kita dahulukala. Jika sdr2 yg ada ciri2 diatas semak balik kaji asal usul nenek moyang keluarga sdr dahulukala akan mendapat jawabannya. InsyaAllah, semua kejadian itu Allah jadikan tiada ia sia2.